Sorry for my lame-mo lame-mo edit but I find it really cute ne~ LOL. |
Amethystory is a sub of Ginvera yet it's much more suitable for people with sensitive skin than the usual Ginvera products. Read below for more info ^^
"I do not believe in 'typing the information on the product which is written on the website or bottle and then taking a few picture of it with you or on you = review', I prefer giving my personal comments.
I believe people will find that more helpful than just knowing the information.
I share my experience but I'm not sure if others will get the same results, however, you may ask me questions, by leaving comments, on it either if you face any differences of what I described about the product and the product itself."
Oh, remember the previous time I talked about this ?
If you do not know it's uses, please do check out this post !
I love their packaging for this product as it is super useful for bringing it out and travelling! Loves <3
I'm going to start with Amethystory's Mineral Bubble Face Wash.
*Review on Amethsytory Mineral Bubble Face Wash. (SGD14.90)
Before I received this product, I've read reviews on it on other people's blogs. I've seen stuffs like, this Mineral Bubble Face Wash isn't thick and creamy as it describes on the description. I didn't expect much from this product after reading it.
Also, the impression I had for the product before using them was, 'is this product suitable for teenagers or people with sensitive skin? will it be too strong?'. The thing that lead me to this thinking was their ingredients and the uses of these products.
It says that it contains Amethyst, and to me, Amethyst 'sounds' like a strong ingredient. It also says that it retains youthful looks, which lead me to think that the product was very strong and would trigger my sensitive skin.
I have dry and sensitive skin which peels at times when it's too try, and turns red/ gets rashes when it's sensitive.

To my surprise, the Mineral Bubble Facial Wash not only is Creamy and Thick, it is also very gentle on my skin, it doesn't leave my skin feeling dry or 'tight' and instead it gives my skin a refreshing feeling which isn't 'minty'.
This facial wash was so much better than I expected and I couldn't stop myself from using it. I don't usually change skin care products once I get used to them yet, I actually left out my previous cleanser by using this product day and night or even at times when I feel I need to be 'refreshed'.
It's so light that I can use it for 3-4 times a day and do not get any sensitive reaction.
Ooooops. My face spoilt the atmosphere. LOL. |
Overall, I really liked it and will continue using it till I find something better.
Another product I have gotten was the Amethystory Mineral Aqua Whitening Enhancer. (SGD19.90)
Same goes, I thought that this product is really strong as it says that it actually fights dark spots!
Usually if I change toner or put on 'strong' moisturisers, my face would be red and itchy after 2-3 times of application. I considered myself quite daring to try 'alien' products on my skin! Haha.
I would like to mention something before I go on typing, haha.
It's that, do you know that Whitening products DO NOT whiten your skin?!
If whitening products REALLY whiten our skin, these products would be disastrous, we will end up looking like walking ZOMBIES (especially like Chinese zombies).
Imagine everyone in WHITE.
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Credits for this image. *Grabbed from Google. |
Then, What does Whitening products really do right?!!
They basically improves our skin's luminousity. Meaning, enhances our NATURAL skin colour.
More like, the skin colour that we were borned with.
These products will try to reduce those UV Sun Rays' damage or effects on our skins. E.g. darkening effect.
Basically, if we are ASIANS, we will not look like Caucasions after using the withening products, we would just look yellower if we are naturally yellow under that dark skin.
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Credits: , got from google. LOL. |
So.. too bad! We need make-up! LOL.
Ok back to the Amethystory Mineral Aqua Whitening Enhancer Review.
I was rather shock that my face had no reactions after using it for 3-4times because the effect was too good to be true that actually WORKS on people with really sensitive skin, like me.
I have been using much of 'light' hyaluronic acid toners/ moisturisers for my skin care routine.
I dare not buy those with 'extra' uses like, whitening.
*as I've tried some before that makes my skin turns red.
I tested this product on my face and to my surprise it's awesome. My skin feels really bouncy and non-sticky(after 3-5mins). After trying to press down on my skin, I can feel the 'cooling' feeling under my skin as if it's keeping loads of water under it.
The hyaluronic acid isn't too much too, as some products contains too much of these acids and my face actually bleeds water..
*I don't know if it's just me or due to my sensitive/dry skin but my face really DO bleeds water when I press downwards after using some 'wrong' products. It won't hurt but it feels uncomfortable.
I will continue using this product as I can feel the awesome-ness of it and that it really promotes the absorbtion of moisturisers I'm using.
*p.s. I use water-based moisturisers and oil based ones makes my skin swell and itch.
Lastly, it's the Amethystory Mineral Aqua Gel. (SGD24.90)
This thing is mainly an 'exfoliator'. It removes dead skin and such.
Usually people with sensitive skin shouldn't use these products as it triggers sensitivity.
I remember testing out DHC's something something gel to remove dead skin and 30 seconds later, my hand became awfully red even though it is said to have 'light' and natural ingredients that will not trigger sensitivity.
I have this phobia on trying these exfoliating products after a few incidents. I braved myself to try this too!
*partially because I didn't try these products since the last time I had a sensitive reaction which was quite long ago.
I tested it on my skin first & to my surprise, this product is wonderful and amazing. It leaves my skin smooth and there was no sensitive reaction at all!
I then tested it on my face and wash it off with the Amethystory Bubble Mineral Face Wash, then applied the Aqua Whitening Enhancer then my own moisturiser.
I swear my the 'absorption ability' of my skin was amazing. It's as if my skin was hungry for minerals and I finally gave them some! They ate it real fast! Hehe.
However, I still dare not to try use it more than once a week as I'm afraid of the sensitive reactions that I may face. The reaction may not be due to the products but the Sun as exfoliating means more exposure to make-up products as well as the Sun. So I dare not use it frequently or say, I don't even dare to use it if I'm going to put on make-up after that! I prefer using it before I go to bed... (safest!)
You can claim samples to try too! Like, test it for yourself before buying!
It's a wise choice to make before deciding to buy or not as it may suit me but may not suit you!
Do try it out!
Redeem samples here :
Thank you! That's all for this LONG LONG post !
You might be puzzled on why I'm having my Os but still typing this long thing which took me 1 hour right?!
Easy! Because I've met the deadline for this post. LOLLLL.
*I've blogged something below too! On the same day, so you might just want to check out my previous post and other posts if this is your first time visiting~ Bye!
hey babe do you have any recommendation of any moisturizers that are good? :)