Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Injury, please leave me alone.

Hello hello. 

As you guys might have noticed, I have been running quite a lot lately. 
I update quite a lot on twitter and instagram about my running activities. 

I can run up to 16km a day and minimum of 8km every morning, I have never thought that such training would have disastrous effects on my leg. 

Back in 2013, I have got a minor stress fracture on my 3rd and 4th metatarsals.
It was not a big issue as I could get back on track (literally) after 3-4 weeks of rest. 

This time, I thought that my shin pain was a normal shin splint. 
Usually when I get Shin Splints, I would just continue running and it would recover by itself.
Running over the pain from Shin Splints was kind of a normal thing for me.

Yet, this time the pain went a little overboard. The pain went on even when I'm not using the leg. When I'm sitting down, my shin would feel some sharp pain. When I'm walking, my leg just got numb and feels really funny. 

I ignored the pain and lighten my training a little, hoping to let it recover on its own.
This time round, it did not become better at all. The pain was consistent. 

I finally went for a short 3.6km cross country run 2 weeks ago, that was when my leg really gave me out. After running about 2km, I could not feel my left leg. Numbness was not the worst part, the worst part was, I could not run properly. My left leg was weak and wobbly.

Whatever it is, I finished the race and didn't come in last. Phew. 
But by the time I finished, I could no longer walk. My left lower-leg was swollen. 
I could not lift my leg and I panic. After resting for a while, I could limp a little. 

I thought that it might be a normal stress fracture again, perhaps, this time on the shin bone.

I was wrong > < It wasn't so simple...

Only after seeking help from the specialist then I realised that I had Chronic Compartment Syndrome. The doctor said that I was lucky that on that day itself, I did not run more than the 3.6km, if I did, I might even need to amputate my leg or have 2 large scars on it. 
So I really thank God for protecting me.

Well, it really takes a lot a lot for me to overcome this injury because running means a lot to me. Now that I can't run, I become really really dependent on God. Sustaining this injury also means that I can no longer take part in competitions for my school and for the team. I cannot explain my pain but ya...

Maybe.. God wants me to take a rest from everything and focus my eyes on Him and Him alone. 

That's all for this post! Buhbyes!

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