Advertorial Enquiries & FAQs

For ANY Advertorial

*I reserve the rights to choose whether I want to blog or not about the product after I have tried.
I won't blog about it if it's not good as it claims.

Contact me @


1. What are your advertorial rates?

This is based on a case by case basis. I do offer FOP (Free of Payment) deals for blogshops and I ensure that all rates are affordable for them. I support local entrepreneurship, thus, I give my fullest support to shops out there that is worth the attention and with good attitude.

2. What will I get if I choose to advertise with you?

I will mention your product and shop on the various social media platform I use. You can also request for your advertisement to be published on whichever platform you want but charges (depending on the amount of effort required to publish the advertorial) may apply.